Tuesday, July 2, 2013

MYdeal Private Island

Fully Upgraded Private Island Costs Without Discounts
Not counting cheaper deals from players,

Private Island costs $500,000,000 for 2000 Happy
Law 2910 will give a 5% discount, so $475,000,000

Note: ELBT stock benefit gives a 10% discount to upgrades, however, at the current price of $139/share, and 5,000,000 shares required, nearly $700,000,000 ($700m) would be required to utilize it. For the sake of this article, ELBT is not an option.

Hot tub, Sauna, Open Bar, are no brainers. Bunched together, these will cost $38,000 and will add 100 Happy to the property. The Large Pool and the Advanced Shooting Range, at $500,000 and $250,000 respectively, are very cheap in relation to the cost of the property. They are no brainer purchases. Together $750,000 for 200 Happy.
On generic small upgrades, we've spent $788,000 for 300 Happy. With the above logic, no PI should have less than 2300 Happy.
2300 Happy PI should cost $500,788,000 or $475,788,000
Note the advantages of Swimming Pool +2% gym gains (aka Steadfast 2 for $0.5m) and Shooting Range +2% damage.

Now, large costs.
Vault's cost $20m, $42m, and $98, for 50, 75, and 100 Happy. They hold $100m, $300m, $500m.
$400,000 then  $560,000 then $980,000 for each happy. Lollipops cost $25 for 25 Happy. You can eat 2, 3, or 4. $400,000 or $25? Happy gain clearly doesn't justify owning a vault. But how much money can you expect to have on hand? I don't know if I will own a vault before or after maxing out the bank at $2bil. The convenience of keeping the cash safe if nice, but how often do I get attacked? how big are the mugs? money can be held in Xanax once bank is maxed.

The Airstrip is a necessity for income. It grants 250 Happy at the cost of $75,000,000. The Pilot gives another 50 Happy for $30,000 daily. The Airstrip saves on travel TIME, and makes flights free. It also allows 10+ travel items. The math with calculating the value gets a little tricky and iffy.
Taking Crocus for example, you expect $16,000 per hour per flower profit. Another example would be the Tribulus Omanense. Profit is about $90,000 per flower, but a round trip takes 6.3 to 6.5 hours, or about $15,000. For rounding purposes we'll use $15,000 as hourly flower profit. With the additional 10 flowers, the Private Island Airstrip allows $150,000 additional profit per hour of traveling. To pay for $75,000,000 considering only the $150,000 hourly profit, would take 500 hours. That's a daunting number, but consider Cayman Islands and Canada take about an hour. Dubai takes 6.5 hours. You're looking a few hundred trips to pay off the Airstrip when considering only the additional 10 items. If you've already paid off your $10m Large Suitcase, the total time and trips decreases. You still get 5 items per flight, and you aren't paying for each flight. Cumber or 3* Cruise Ship will help.
Assuming you are like this author and can carry 22 items per trip, 75m/(22*0.015m) = 228 hours traveling. It's doable.

The Medical Facility costs $17,000,000 ($17m) and gives 50 Happy. It's major bonus is that every 15 minutes you regenerate 30% of your health instead of 20%. This makes a difference when your faction is warring or if you're involved in attacking or getting attacked. I believe for it to be effective you must staff a Doctor. He'll cost $25,000 daily and add another 25 Happy. $17million is not that much once you've considered all the other costs. It will depend on play style.

Sufficient Interior Upgrade is a commitment to waste $125,000,000 for 500 Happy.
Superior Interior Upgrade will grant 1000 Happy at a cost of $250,000,000.

I'm still not sure if I'll be getting the interior upgrades. Xanax current price is $820m. The Superior Interior would cost 305 Xanax. Curiously, I don't know if the stat cap will be hit after that many.

I can say with certainty that I would not buy a Yacht. $895,000,000 for an extra 500 Happy. I will not go through all the math with the training formula and anticipating gains, but a Yacht is worth almost 1100 Xanax. That's enough Xanax to always be on Xanax for a year.

That breaks down my thoughts on the Private Island Property, not counting staff.
$476-501 million for 2300 Happy. $551-576m for generic non interior upgrades, and an Airstrip and pilot, for 2600 Happy. Again, staff has not been considered.

A fully upgrade Castle has 2700 Happy without staff, cannot travel, but will only cost $415,788,000. Not including any vault, 2600 Happy for $317,788,000.

I'm now noticing trends. Return to article later. $788,000 will be spent on upgrades regardless. Hm.

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